High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS USP NF FCC Food Grade Supplier Exporter Manufacturers' Representative
Email: info@ammol.orgCall Toll Free +1-855-552-6665
Toll Free: 1-855-55-AMMOLHigh Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS
CAS Number: 977042-84-4
High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCSSpecifications of High Fructose Corn Syrup USP NF Grade:
High Fructose Corn Syrup is a clear aqueous solution of saccharides prepared from high-dextrose-equivalent corn starch hydrolysate by the partial enzymatic conversion of dextrose to fructose, using an insoluble glucose isomerase enzyme preparation that complies with 21 CFR 184.1372. It is available in two types, 42% and 55%, based on fructose as a proportion of total saccharides. High Fructose Corn Syrup 42% contains NLT 97.0% of total saccharides, expressed as a percentage of total solids, of which NLT 92.0% consists of monosaccharides, including 41.0%–50.0% of fructose, and NMT 8.0% consists of other saccharides. High Fructose Corn Syrup 55% contains NLT 95.0% of total saccharides, expressed as a percentage of total solids, of which NLT 94.0% consists of monosaccharides, including 54.0%–60.0% of fructose, and NMT 6.0% consists of other saccharides.IDENTIFICATION
Analysis: Add a few drops of a solution (1 in 10) of Syrup to 5 mL of hot, alkaline cupric tartrate.
Acceptance criteria: A copious, red precipitate of cuprous oxide is formed (distinction from sucrose).
B. It meets the requirements of the Assay.ASSAY
To pass the Chromatographic test.
Acceptance criteria
For High Fructose Corn Syrup 42%:
Total saccharides: NLT 97.0%, expressed as a percentage of total solids. Total saccharides contain monosaccharides and other saccharides as follows.
Monosaccharides: NLT 92.0%
Fructose: 41.0%–50.0%
Other saccharides: NMT 8.0%
For High Fructose Corn Syrup 55%:
Total saccharides: NLT 95.0%, expressed as a percentage of total solids. Total saccharides contain monosaccharides and other saccharides as follows.
Monosaccharides: NLT 94.0%
Fructose: 54.0%–60.0%
Other saccharides: NMT 6.0%Residue on Ignition: NMT 0.05%
Limit of Lead:
To pass the test
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 micro-g/g
Limit of Sulfur Dioxide:
To pass the test
Acceptance criteria: NMT 30 µg/g
Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified Microorganisms:The total aerobic microbial count does not exceed 103 cfu/g, and the total combined molds and yeasts count does not exceed 100 cfu/g.
Total Solids:
Acceptance criteria
High Fructose Corn Syrup 42%: NLT 70.5%
High Fructose Corn Syrup 55%: NLT 76.5%
Packaging and Storage: Preserve in tight containers. No storage requirement specified.
Labeling: Label it to state, as part of the official title, the nominal percentage of fructose. Label it to indicate the presence of sulfur dioxide if the residual concentration is greater than 10 micro-g/g.
Specifications of High-Fructose Corn Syrup FCC Food Grade:
High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) occurs as a water white to light yellow, somewhat viscous liquid that darkens at high temperatures. It is a saccharide mixture prepared as a clear, aqueous solution from high-dextrose-equivalent corn starch hydrolysate by the partial enzymatic conversion of glucose (dextrose) to fructose, using an insoluble glucose isomerase preparation that complies with 21 CFR 184.1372 and that has been obtained from a pure culture fermentation that produces no antibiotics. It is miscible in all proportions with water.
Function: Nutritive sweetener.
Labeling: Indicate the color range and presence of sulfur dioxide if the residual concentration is greater than 10 mg/kg.
Identification: Add a few drops of a 1:10 aqueous solution to 5 mL of hot alkaline cupric tartrate. A copious red precipitate of cuprous oxide forms.
Assay: 42% HFCS: Not less than 97.0% total saccharides, expressed as a percentage of solids, of which not less than 42.0% consists of fructose, not less than 92.0% consists of monosaccharides, and not more than 8.0% consists of other saccharides. 55% HFCS: Not less than 95.0% total saccharides, expressed as a percentage of solids, of which not less than 55.0% consists of fructose, not less than 95.0% consists of monosaccharides, and not more than 5.0% consists of other saccharides.
Arsenic: Not more than 1 mg/kg.
Color: Within the range specified by the vendor.
Lead: Not more than 0.1 mg/kg.
Residue on Ignition: Not more than 0.05%.
Sulfur Dioxide: Not more than 0.003%.
Total Solids: 42% HFCS: Not less than 70.5%; 55% HFCS: Not less than 76.5%.Please visit SDS Safety Data Sheet of High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS Suppliers.
American Molecules, also known as ammol.org is a distributor, supplier and manufacturers' representative of all types of Pharmaceuticals, Functional Ingredients, Excipients and Specialty Chemicals in Texas USA. Our principals manufacture supply and export USP NF BP, Ph Eur, etc grades of chemicals pure and reagent grade, mineral fortifiers, FCC food grade. Tailor made particle size and customized specifications are offered. The principal's facility is having one or more of the certifications like FDA approval and GLP, cGMP, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO22000, FSSC 22000, ISO45001, FSSAI, Kosher, HALAL, COPP, WHO-GMP certified and Written Confirmation (WC) for export to Europe is available. The manufacturers suppliers and exporters observe WHO Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices.
Suppliers and Manufacturers' Representative:
9910 Bent Oak Dr
Houston, TX 77040, USA
Call Toll Free: 1-855-55-AMMOL 1-855-552-6665
Email: info@ammol.org